Apr 5, 2014

Beef stew

Beef stew, cooked over four hours to tender, delicious pieces that fell apart if you breathed on them. Pickles, potatoes, peppers. 

Seafood medley pasta

This restaurant we go to has "snow peas chicken pasta" and I wanted to recreate a (healthier) version at home. So I did. 

I used diced tomatoes with Italian seasoning as my only sauce. The pasta was my remaining "dried tomato" spaghetti (tastes really good and unique). Cut up chicken breast mixed with scallops and shrimp. The peas added a really nice touch. I added a lot more shrimp and peas than you see in a restaurant, and a lot less oil and cream (ie none of either).

A spin on ground beef

This was an enjoyable meal. Ground beef mixed with buckwheat + steel cut oats (after the beef was cooked), BBQ sauce (you might start seeing a pattern of my sauce choices here...), and veggies. 

Only the most amazing dinner ever

This was so, so, so delicious. And of course I can't remember why. I don't think this is a unique meal I've made (I'm obviously a fan of salmon), but this was just stellar. 

I think it was because I added the scallops to the mushrooms. And used a generous amount of cheese in the beans. Because, you know, cheese. 

The red stuff is smoked paprika, my most favourite spice ever. The sauce was made from smoked salmon cream cheese. My most favourite cream cheese ever. 

Pork and hash browns

We hadn't eaten pork for a while. So I thought I'd get some. And I did. 

Hash browns
BBQ sauce

Blue Menu Beef

For some reason I'm particularly proud of this one. It wasn't hard or complicated (obviously never is, I don't have that kind of patience). But it was very yummy. 

Blue Menu (superstore) has pretty fantastic quality frozen beef patties, in different kinds. Apparently their veggie patties are also pretty good (I wouldn't know myself).

This is Costco mashed potatoes, Superstore beef patty, and Saveon veggies. And Costco Parmesan. How's that for name dropping?

Heinz BBQ sauce on top. Since I'm name dropping and all.